Making an appointment
Age groups
We provide support for individuals aged 13 years and over.
Information we will require
When booking an initial appointment, you will be asked the following information:
Brief information regarding your presenting concern
Date of birth and contact information
Medicare referral, if you have one
You will be provided with some external recommendations if the referral concern is an area we are not able to offer support for.
Fees & rebates client information
Session cost
Initial consultation $275 (Duration 50 minutes)
Per subsequent session $245 (Duration 50 minutes)
Medicare rebate
We provide psychological treatment under the Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative, patients who are referred are entitled to a rebate of $136.35 for the 10 sessions they have attended in the calendar year
A referral from a GP or other specialist doctor is only needed if you would like to use a Medicare rebate. You may also be able to claim a private rebate for psychology services. You should contact your fund about eligibility.
Clients are welcome to attend sessions without a GP referral, it is optional and something to consider in regard to finances. If attending without a MHCP, the session cost is an out of pocket expense to the client and payable at the time of appointment.
Bulk Billing
Martin Clinical Psychology is not a bulk-billing practice.
Cancelling or rescheduling an appointment.
Confirming Appointments 48 hours before the appointment start time
To help limit the impact on other clients waiting for appointments and our psychologist’s time spent preparing for sessions, we ask that clients please confirm their appointment 48 hours before the session start time.
Appointments can be confirmed via reply SMS to the appointment reminder. If you are unable to attend, please let us know, as this appointment time can then be offered to another client who is waiting for an appointment.
Not attending/short notice cancelling appointment
Cancellations within 24-48 hours prior to your session time will incur a 50% session fee.
Short notice (within 24 hours of your session time) or not attending will incur the full session fee.
Medicare rebates cannot be claimed for cancelled sessions.